
I nearly died 3 years ago. I hate this new, anxious me. Being vulnerable is so fucking hard. Fuck.

  • 4
    What happened?

    Edit: people exploit vulnerabilities without realizing. People say stuff they would normally never do
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    @retoor severe covid and severe complications, pulmonary embolism caused lung damage and put me in ICU/hospital for a week. Was most of a year till I was well enough to exercise again doing anything more than a walk round the park. I have PTSD and a not small amount of anxiety.

    Today's anxiety is around putting myself out there, there's someone I've been spending time with for a month or two and just don't know what to say. But I know before, I was fine with this stuff. Or at least, way less bad than I am now 😅. I was seeing someone when it happened and the strain completely killed the relationship, and part of it is "what if that stuff causes a problem again?". I'm way better than I was, but I'm still not "well".

    I have a therapist and I am definitely less anxious than a year ago, but some stuff I'm physically limited from and some stuff there's a mental limit, and both are super frustrating when I run into that wall. But at the same time, I'm super stubborn, so I will push through it. And venting a bit helps sometimes.
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    @atheist I can relate a little bit. I hope you get well and feel good and confident about your health soon. :((
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    @TiananmenSquare I doubt so if those things worked: you'll still get sick but slower chance dying. How the. Fuck did they measure that. Vaccine maybe did nothing
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    didn't we react a bit too harshly on covid? - said the stand up comedian
    - Yeeeaah - replied the audience
    - ... That's what most of the survivors think so...
    - the silence afterwards hits hard ;)

    When healing from something the trick I find to be working best is to tell yourself each day that the next day you'll be a bit better than the previous one. that mantra speeds up a lot the process ( or so I imagine it to happen... after all I don't get ill often and have sorta speeded up recovery process in general )
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    @TiananmenSquare oh fuck off. I got covid before vaccine rollout.
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    @TiananmenSquare sigh. Child can't handle being wrong, resorts to petty insults. Go stick your hand in a blender.
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    @TiananmenSquare how exactly did I damage my health?
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    @TiananmenSquare huh, you've suddenly learnt to read. Well done.
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    @TiananmenSquare let me borrow @ScriptCoded's wise words:
    Why can't you just go fuck yourself?
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    @TiananmenSquare in case you missed the message, fuck off and go fuck yourself.
  • 4
    Worry not , @atheist.
    I've enjoyed being isolated and now can barely speak to people.
    We'll get there and people who don't over communicate will understand.
    This also frees one from many bullshitters.
  • 1
    @scor fucking same. great deal of bullshitters. almost seems like a bonus.
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