Seen on the subway; some folks just like using a mouse I guess...

  • 3
    Good ol' thinkpads.
  • 13
    I would do it. Don't like Touchpads.
  • 3
    For some people, computer can't exist without a mouse.

    My mother in law has a macbook pro and she never tried the touchpad more than 30sec... So sad.. U_U
  • 2
    @CWins That's why ThinkPads have trackpoint ;)
  • 1
    Geez at least get a wireless one! But I totally get it.
  • 2
    Mac touch pads are great. Everything else sucks, and that's coming from a PC guy. I always carry a mouse with me.
  • 0
    If you have a thinkpad, you're a professional 😂
  • 0
    @Greggergalactic While they're nice, they aren't without issues. See my earlier rant!

    @620hun They're actually pretty nice. Sincerely, an ex-mac hater.

    Though I still totally prefer linux.
  • 1
    But-but- ... Trackpoint! D:
    (I'd use one on my desktop computer also if it had one ...)
  • 0
    I took a really long time to get comfortable with using a touchpad. Especially since my older laptop had a shitty texture on it which felt like I was moving my fingers on sandpaper.
    I don't mind them now but I'm still waay more productive with a mouse and keyboard.
  • 1
    maybe the touchpad is broken
  • 0
    That machine is slow as fuck. My one has 8g ram. Slow as fuck.
  • 0
    this is a do not touchpad
  • 0
    I'd do this. Touchpads are awkward as fuck.
  • 0
    @pajaja I always called them "Keyboard nipples"
  • 0
    She has a sweet coat.
  • 0
    When did trackpads get renamed touchpads? Did I miss something?
  • 0
    @Greggergalactic it wasn't the editor; Sublime was the only thing doing its job correctly!

    But yeah, idk what was going on there, but I haven't heard of it happening to anyone else either.
  • 2
    @Greggergalactic @Ashkin Oh, I meant every other touchpad 😇
  • 0
    @dontbeevil I was only talking about the touchpad
  • 0
    i like where this is going, from a sweet coat and magical trackpads turning in to touchpads (i heared) to comparing mac vs pc, next stop to mars or pluto pun intended
  • 0
    Is that a x240?
  • 0
    I hate Touchpads and Trackpoints but I would not do that
  • 0
    I don't like the laptop touchpads, but if I was on the subway I'd use it instead of what she's doing...
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