
I'm done with f/e. I so fucking hate it .
I fucking hate implementing weird highly animated websites designed by gurus
I fucking hate making them accessible.
I hate working on weird code generated by my coworkers and jump on projects with 0 specs.
I fucking hate this whole bloatware called javascript.
I fucking hate morons who think they know it all.

I'm fucking disgusted by the job market with their whole job specs ( Oh you don't have 5 year experience in some fucking stupid library I don't give a flying fuck. Too bad, we can't hire you )

And most importantly I fucking hate the day I chose f/e development instead of smth else.

Now at 29 I'm fucking stuck with this shit with no energy and patience to learn something else or at least jump on b/e or anything that is not related to web dev or js.

Sorry for so many fuckings but I had a breakdown.

Love ya.

  • 9
    You might consider a detour as way out: go in some other domain as tester first, acquire domain knowledge, then change back to dev in that other domain. Not sure whether it would work, but it might.
  • 16
    ++ for using this platform correctly.
  • 6
    @Fast-Nop It's a good idea. One problem: in my region everyone is looking for a 5+ year experience in testing for a shit salary. I hate this job but it also pays my bills and It's hard to do a reconversion or idk how.
  • 9
    Dependencies and configuration hell. One dependency doesn’t work? npm install a lower version says some random guy in stack overflow. Then that version plays poorly with another dependency. Then waste another day playing wack a mole with dependencies and package.json and satan’s favorite config file, tsconfig.json though I love typescript in general…
  • 7
    @TeachMeCode This reminds of one time when I tried to make an electron app work on linux. I wasted 1 full day in figuring out why tf it works on windows and not on linux.

    In the end I quitted and started to do monkey work ( upgrading electron library version by version till I found one that works with the current implementation and downgrading another till it worked with that version ).

    It's amazing how stable packages are nowadays ( FUCKING NOT ).

    And also it's amazing how everyone is praising react, vue, angular for solving fucking nothing ( only adding more bloatware to make a fucking spa and making it 'functional' ). But hey is extensible ( in an ideal universe, because in production is not ).
  • 3
    @Draedus Yeah, tester is often a bad job - one exception is in industrial applications, not web or end consumer stuff. There will also be a shitload of automation, so it's not trivial, and the stakes for malfunctioning products are much higher.
  • 4
    @Draedus they tend to want 3-5 years exp. in all dev related positions these days on almost everything in their stack... it's fucking nightmare
  • 5
    @We3D It's normal to want experienced people. But it's not normal to ask for x years of experience on a specific library. Just give them the library, specs and see if they can do something with. They can ? Good to go, all ins and outs can be learned during the job .

    But no. In interview they ask some ultra specific thing that you don't give a fuck. You don't know it ? Too bad you failed the interview. I knew that programmers are narcistic know it all geeks but some of them are not geeks, just morons.
  • 8
    F/E is a fucking nightmare man, but one thing that it has got going is: It is hard as shit and requires good skills (read as smarts) which you obviously have. Any chance of you moving them skills to the backend or other environment?

    Web development can be really fking taxing. But I 100% enjoy doing backend work more than I ever do with frontend. I leave that to my team's main designer. Dude can code and design so I am thankful for him not having me touch frountend....I hate frontend.
  • 2
    @AleCx04 hell yes. I want out. I'm BE but even that became boring. Rather smash C for hours
  • 2
    @AleCx04 thanks for calling me smart. I don’t consider myself being a smart / intelligent person . I’d rate me as an average joe who does programming for a living .

    As regarding switching to b/e . I tried it and failed gracefully mainly because I didn’t had enough energy and time I think . My current job takes a lot of my time and the rest is spent with my gf or family ( because life is too short )

    I think I’m gonna take fast nop advice to switch to testing . Seems a little more peaceful even if the pay is lower and the tools they use don’t seem to be too complicated or “world changing tech”.

    Thanks for the nice words !!
  • 4
    @Draedus I'm just decade older and also slowly getting to this point. I am considering backend as an alternative regarding web development.

    Tried python and was surprised how simple and powerful it can be and also considering that as an exit route from the web development.

    I am also thinking about finishing and monetizing some of the side projects that I have made, in order to exit the grind (9to5)and enjoy life more.

    About FE - this whole thing is becoming absurd lately!
  • 2
    @devJs You’re using python for web dev ? Or you do smth else with it ?

    Currently trying to check svelte with ts as this seems a better alternative for anything.
  • 2
    @Draedus here's a python tut written in three minutes on a phone:

    apt install python3 python3-pip
    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install aiohttp

    # Add in [whatever].py:
    from aiohttp import web
    async def get_index(request):
    return web.json_response({"msg":"I'm an API"}

    app = web.Application()
    web.routes.add_get("/index/", get_index)

    # in terminal:
    python [whatever].py

    Imagine doing that svelte shit, you're still running npm and it probably gets refactored in a month or two. JS would be my last language for BE.

    @devJs what py framework did you look into? Did you check FastAPI? It comes with nice documentation and try-out page (Swagger) for your API. The source will almost he the same as code above. Easy as F
  • 2
    @Draedus just wrote few scripts with python to try it out. Specific website image downloader. Saves files to specified folder on the system.So easy it's ridiculous!

    Didn't tried it yet for web development but I'm interested to try Django. Played a little with gamepy - not really interested in game development professionally, more like just for hobby.

    Svelte looks promising (i'm mainly using react, preact, vue), but I feel it is in the state of "a lot of new stuff comming soon" so I am posponing this one for a while.

    Since I'm also into Jamstack, trying a lot of haleadless CMS's and latest one I checked out was payloadcms - looks like really extendable solution (very flexible backend tool with automatically generated admin dashboard) and you can use whatever for FE since it also generates API endpoints. Easy to use.

    @retoor will definitely check FastAPI as soon as I get back from my sabbatical, I have plan to slowly transition to backend so it is good way to start.
  • 3
    @devJs yh, the example I provide is a framework that works like popular stuff like flask and fast api. Fast api is most modern. Don't count too much on asyncio, run a few workers / container extra. Very cool framework is quart but no one is using it so you won't have the cool plugins what doesn't make it a good choice. Somewhat flask plugin support but who's gonna rely on that? Not me. Django has something special going on, not comparable with flask/fast api. Django includes an ORM that's quite matured and you can describe your complete database model in code and it's version ed using your cvs. But it creates a new db for every test and stuff. Works amazing. With flask/fast api you have to write sql or implement a orm like peewee(based on django or other way around) or sqlalchemy that I personally hate. Django is winner for ORM. Others are more fun imho. Django is also good for job hunting
  • 2
    @retoor thanks on this insights, this will spare me at least week of time as I like to get my hands dirty right away when exploring the tools!

    Much appreciated!
  • 2
    I’ve started with frontend too. Now I mostly write backend in node
  • 1
    Spent the last 2-3 hours wasting my life trying to dynamically load images into a react component without explicitly writing out their filenames. Made zero progress. And nothing from stackoverflow worked, in fact I rarely get anything from that site bc all their solutions break for me
  • 1
    Thanks all for the good words. After days of ranting out this shit ecosystem I decided to go on the c# .net core route with python flavour for a couple of reasons:

    - jobs

    - decent ecosystem

    - can do tons of things in it

    - no need to relearn and learn shit frameworks that disappear after a couple of years

    - stable enough for my taste

    For f/e I'll go either svelte for spa or pure vanilla ( tired of the revolutionary code react uses that is a clusterfuck of unknown rules ).

    Fuck this hipster community and their revolutionary code.

    Love you all .
  • 1
    @TeachMeCode in abstract, how is this component supposed to know which image to load?
  • 1
    @Draedus vanilla JS is a paragon of stability. 25-years-old websites still work perfectly in modern browsers, and so will today's vanilla JS websites 25 years later.

    React is the worst thing to happen to JavaScript.
  • 0
    @kiki thanks, I solved it yesterday with a web pack tweak and calling require()
    on the URI
  • 0
    @TeachMeCode it answered nothing.
  • 0
    Hear, hear!
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