
kinda sick of my friends giving me super basic advice when I mention my mess of 3d printer files

'group similar things together'
'have folders for main projects with nested sub projects'
'put the slicer project file with the stl files for the specific model'

I'm not fucking 5 I've lived long enough to have some level of basic common sense.
Worst part is they forget we've had this conversation and next time I even mention my files they bring up the exact same fucking comments EVERY damn time

  • 2
    Next you tell me that my penis isn't just for pissing...

    Come on guys, Captain obvious is getting annoyed.
  • 0
    Friends or colleagues?
  • 0
    @aviophile friends, I've known them for like a decade at this point so they really should know my organization skills are a little above 'group similar things together'
  • 2
    But have you tried grouping similar things together? I also find it handy to give files meaningful names.
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    i might have some advice for this. i have been printing for years now and many would say i'm a certified printer. Just make sure you follow this core principal. It will change everything, if you see yourself failing and trying the same solutions over and over, you will be much happier with the results. So usually, if there are almost the same things i just take them under the same roof, by creating a group. things should be much smoother this way. think about it.
  • 1
    did you actually follow your friends' basic advice tho?

    because for me that works quite well. but i have the differenciation between the folder of my own design files, and the ones i downloaded from thingiverse, printables and the like. in these folders, if they are for something, thats usually in the beginning of the folder name, and then the subject (not too specific). in these folders i just put all related stuff into, like different variants of the thing, iterations of the part and other related files to it.

    That's it, no magic: this worked flawlessly for me from the very beginning, since i started printing.
  • 2
    have you tried turning it off and back on again?
  • 0
    Check your DNS, lots of problems occur if that's not working correctly 😏

    Seriously, find a system that works for you. To find it start with the basics that were previously mentioned.

    > year 2000: getting information were hard.
    < year 2000: finding the right information is hard.
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