My boss just realized that I'm allowed to say how I want to be treated as a female and it's ok while he can't say how a female should or shouldn't be treated is because I AM FEMALE and therefore I'm speaking for myself and from my own experiences not saying how someone else should feel!
Only took well over a year.....

  • 1
    I'll give you a +1, although I can't work out what your rant is about.
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    My boss accuses me of being sexist and disrespectful towards women a lot. Like every other week. Like I'm corrected on calling myself a girl, or that I prefer the generalized term guys for a group of people (not guys and gal). Or that I can't say that the reason why I'm good at communicating is because I'm female and it tends to be stressed more growing up.
  • 0
    Sounds like a silly boss. It's been proven women are better at communication. The 'guys' term is weird. To me the meaning means the person was caught doing something, as that's how it originated. /Shrug
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    I think the sad thing is that every woman will experience this in the work place. It is annoying.
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    This is all because of the delicate state of the society now, and the extremist SJW.

    Stupid people can not tell the difference between real and extreme feminism (and other topics) and it is getting even worse.

    It gets to the point where people tell other people how they should be treated because of what they saw on the Interwebs. I hate this state of the world.
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