
- what superpower you wish you had?

- getting things right from the first run.

  • 3
    No, too much work. I'd wish getting things right without even trying.
  • 5
    And that might be the reason we have to lock you up in a dark cell in middle of sea, making sure you get touch a computer again, cause you would probably end up making Skynet
  • 3
    @coldfire No, please, my intentions are good, I swear
  • 4
    Being able to understand what clients and POs actually mean when they explain requirements.
  • 3
    naaaah.. I'll stick to flying
  • 1
    I'd use my superpower to destroy all AI systems. Fuck ChatGPT in particular.
  • 3
    @divOps Yeah that's how all of them start, It's only a matter of time , till you realise the impact of butterfly effect
  • 1
    teleport to any point of the universe sounds good thanks =]
  • 2
    Absolute full-control immortality (can only die if i actually want to, no aging, full and partial body reconstruction on demand).

    If i am immortal, most problems are solvable by just investing more time.
  • 0
    Dorian Gray me up.
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