
I've been working for a company since last year. I was very enthusiastic and happy because that company always boasted about being the leader of cloud solutions in my country and I was really interested in everything related to the cloud computing world . However, after one year, my current task is updating stupid fucking private products that no one knows on fucking old windows server.....

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    Is the pay good at least?
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    @jsframework9000 not really, I have a salary which is on average if compared to other salaries in Italy. Maybe I'm lucky because I have more corporate benefits etc... but is it really worth it? I think that I won't find a better perspective for my life if I continue to stay in this country. We have very few good companies that don't only offer classic consulting services. Is it too much to ask something that doesn't bounce yourself among 100 different clients?
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    @fambelic You are still a junior programmer right? Those first jobs can be tough but it gets better as you become more experienced. If you are still young with no people depending on you, you can probably afford to take some risks. Move abroad or find a more fun job (even if it pays less).
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