
I used to fucking love VSCode it visually was great, it was simple, had an integrated terminal that wasn't shit, supported many languages well (while not forcing every extension down your throat), and was straightforward to configure. I also had problems with it, mainly I felt it was way too bloated for an editor.

That good impression I had is gone now. It seems like every time I'm actually using the editor I have to fight with it. Whether that's an update that fucked up my config, or a reinstall and now I have to **convince** my fucking editor to use tabs instead of spaces automatically and I have to specify because holy shit it will not just listen after I set every possible fucking indentation setting to disable spaces or enable/prefer tabs and they keep adding shit like this that I give no shits about that make me sift through the damn settings finding the settings that turn off whatever new visual effect or quirky little automation they've implemented. I can't tell you how much I actively don't want my braces to be matched up by a color that doesn't even have anything to do with my color scheme.

Ive tried switching but holy shit intellisense is such a great feature that helps me so much so I'm not always bouncing between docs and my editor. Which ATM I'm learning go and intellisense has more fucking information on the functions than the docs do. I've seen Neovim (which is what I'm probably switching to) has language servers that are similar to intellisense so I'm intrigued to try that.

I'm just tired of constantly having to avoid all this shit I don't give a fuck about. I just want to get in, do my thing.

I won't be surprised if I'm the only one on this train 🤣

  • 1
    It kinda sounds like you're running a massive amount of plugins on vsc.

    Anyways, it's kinda funny to see the natural bloatification of IDE's in action again.

    You might enjoy vim
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    @thebiochemic I don't run that many, I usually use the remote ssh extension and the python/c# extensions but currently I'm only using the C#/Go on my Pop install since those are what I'm working with atm.

    But my main issue is just arguing with my editor so frequently I'm hoping I don't have to do it as much on nvim and it's more arguing in the beginning.
  • 0
    Are you syncing your settings? I have never had an update break my preferences, let alone something as fundamental as indentation. New installs are a breeze with synced settings too, I just login with my github account and everything syncs back (extensions, settings, layouts). I hope you find your peace.
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    Try Eclipse!
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    @NeatNerdPrime you're hilarious
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    @datablitz7 I'll have to check & look into it
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    @datablitz7 how do they sync the settings to GitHub just by logging in? Is it like using dotfiles or something?
  • 1
    @gitstashio Here is how you set it up. https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/...

    It used to be an extension, but it has been a builtin feature for a while.
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