VBA is not the language of choice for many of you. But in a big non-software company, Excel is tool numero uno, and VBA saves so much time. Almost nobody bothers to learn it, which drives me nuts already, but those who learn it, suck.
Wrote a beautiful VBA script with SQL inside to fill in excelsheets automatically.

Why the living fucks would someone go in the code and alter it? Why do you ignorant idiot with almost no excel and vba knowledge alter the range of the for loop and delete a few lines.
After that completely knocked out the file, I got a call for help. "¡Your code broke!"

These useless morons.

  • 3
    Dont ever share code with non-programming colleagues
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    Welcome Bob, nice first rant!

    Vba is a bastard but incredibly useful.
  • 3
    I hate VBA as much as the next person, but it’s cut hours of work out of my day so it’s useful if your stuck using excel.
  • 1
    Thank you Comrade @CWins !
  • 1
    I got my start in VBA, it's an awesome tool for certain problems.

    And I completely feel your pain πŸ˜„
  • 5
    I hate VBA, once I had to automate a really tedious task in excel so I made a java program to read the excel, do everything and spit out a new excel πŸ˜‚
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    I hope some day they replace it with net.Core.
  • 1
    @azous me too lol
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    @dontbeevil Oh my. That would be awesome.
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    Everything I once knew about VBA I already forgot, thank God.
    Had to code a quick excel password breaker this week to help a friend though πŸ˜„
    I rather parse the excel file with an external program and produce a new one.
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    @nbamaral That's like an order of magnitude more work tho ☺️
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    Yes and no: we use a lot of Excel files as a quick and dirty database, no fancy calculations and formulas, just a colorful table to paste data.
    This way the all file is validated for errors and formatted cleanly. Wouldn't do it for a financial excel, it would be a pain to code πŸ˜›
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    @nbamaral Ah right. Then it makes sense.
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    @nbamaral How did you do the password breaker? Just a C++/whatever program that sends input and bruteforce it?
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    Nope, just VBA. It cycles all possible chars and exits on first usable password. Mind you it was a legacy excel file. Easy to found online similar code.
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