
I just learned Serverless.com

Thats it?

Shit was 100x more easy to learn compared to the brutality of terraform devops reactive streaming kafka rabbitmq sockets and other shits i had to fuck around and find out.

Dont even have to watch tutorials for this. Just building 1 simple crud project and read the docs was enough.

However after deploying these serverless shits to aws Lambda i noticed that it takes quite some time for the api to fetch response. Why?

On postman calling the route for the first time i have to wait like 3s for api to fetch all (with limit of 10) or create 1 dto object. Then every next api call is 100-150ms which is ok. But it could be better no? Locally my spring boot rest api takes 3-7ms of load time. Why is this 100-150ms?

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    Glad to read you are learning.
    That being said, check their pricing... it's also setting yourself up to vendor locking. Basically they do the abstraction work for you, while their backend is doing basically the same with terraform or whatever they use to drive the calls...
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    A lot of serverless things I've done won't start the app automatically and there's some warm up time with the first request but is fast after. Also the app will shut off if idle to save resources and will have to warm up again on the next request.
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    @NeatNerdPrime whats the difference
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    @spongessuck what's the advantage of building serverless apps vs restful apps
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    @b2plane restful is just an architecture, you can have a restful API that runs on serverless.
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    @spongessuck what is the point of serverless? Why would i want to build my backend as serverless lambda functions vs normal way of backend restful nonserverless api?
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    @b2plane maybe you don't want to worry about managing a physical server or VM, or maybe your traffic is very irregular and it costs less to have your serverless instance scale down when it's not used rather than have a server constantly running.
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    @ostream how is serverless more expensive? The guy just said i dont need to use vm or manage servers. Seems like there is much less stuff going on plus the api gets called only on demand (hence the cold start)
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    While I don't think you are "learning" all these stacks in the time you say, it's good you are learning.

    However, I see a pattern here. One that is not good for you in the long term.

    You say you want to be a DevOps, senior at that. And you are asking this about serverless?

    I'd say, stop trying to fill your resume with worthless entries that you won't be able to defend.

    Set up your own stuff and make it work. If you want to know about serverless, I propose an exercise to you.

    Create a VM. Set up a rest API on it.
    Make it so you can upload a script, and have it execute as response to some other API call.

    Then try to make that work between several VMS.

    Then you'll understand what serverless (and cloud in general) is, and what it truly entails.
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    what is serverless.com? if you mean what 99% of the hipsters name "AWS Lambda functions" they yes, you learned a whole website

    what the fuck is going on on this planet
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    this is like

    I just learned google.com


    am i brain dead or is it just everyone else

    no i won't apologize.

    what i will do is return to my 12 year old scotch

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    You bitch. I'm out of scotch. Envy you so much right now
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    Or should I say, you bloody cunt 😂
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    @CoreFusionX go get more. plenty supply

    i got talisker 10 year

    little did i know its the WRONG ONE!!!

    i wanted the distillers edition, which has the sherry aroma, way better, but nearly same price

    oh well, a new scotch regardless to explore
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    I definitely have not drunk too much whisky today
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    Hail the queen?

    Should be king now, but still we true (honorary) Scotsmen don't recognize no king xd
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    @CoreFusionX king? queen? i'm an amurricahn, i don't know what these words mean
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    I personally recommend cloudflare workers for your backend. It's pretty cheap, serverless, and very easy to deploy. They have a lot of new services as well.

    I use them for hosting and scaling my website and backend.

    They also have
    R2 (similar to S3)
    D1 (SQL DB)
    And a ton of others
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    Serverless is great for things that need to be triggered or scale from zero to huge peaks.
    However reserving an instance is way cheaper when there is constant traffic.

    With cloud services you don't need to manage you own vm per sé but you do need to know what suits your needs.
    Same goes for third party services that make it easy for you like serverless.com, it's fine to use them but you should understand them too.
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    @b2plane the difference is basically that they did the 'hard work' for you by offering a 'simple declarative ' way of setting up whatever you want, and their backend does the operations with all the cloud providers cli'/api's.

    You are just writing how it should look like, with the absolute minimum of technical specifications, while they fill in the blanks.

    Think about it. They enable you to set up whatever in e.g. AWS. How do they do it? They must interface with the AWS tools somehow! Well with the very same tools as offered directly.

    Hope this explains it.
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