
Tired i want sleep

  • 1
    Fuck off devrant for limiting me to post 1 rant per 69 hours


    First time working with keycloak. No fucking idea how it works or how to start it. But after a small research seems like it needs a database to sit on its dick. Chatgpt write me a docker compose bullshit to start keycloak using postgres. And i got the fully functional code on the first prompt. Dev life before chatgpt was literal fucking hell. And chatgpt isnt even a year old. Mindblowing
  • 4
    Sure. Get some sleep

    Many Humans have this bad habit of focusing mainly on their brain and its mental/emotional well-being but we blantantly ignore the physical body wellness. Fuck, we take it for granted

    I am yet to hear a case where someone stopped thinking beyond a certain level and screwed their physical health (though they would be seen as dumb by their people) whereas there are so many unfortunate cases where too much thinking or focusing on bettering their career, or financial strength or looks or stature or ego cost their body at different levels

    Your body deserves the respect and care it truly deserves. Wake up to a fresh morning and resume your routine. Take care of yourself
  • 0
    @asgs woke up with cluster headache
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    Cortita y al pie.
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