
Developer using light mode editor is not a real developer
I would never work with him

  • 3
    I hope you're joking....
    Tho considering how elitistic 'real devs' are, I wouldn't be surprised.
    Bro, It's colour, it's not that deep.
  • 4
    has green vs blue chat bubble energy tbh.

    I personally use dark themes, but i ain't giving two cents about what other people use. Whenever i build software i include dark and light themes, because people have something you'd call Preference.
  • 0
    Dark Mode is better on the eyes in general. Light Mode is just killing them, and make them angry afterwards.
  • 2
    People who think that using a particular color theme tells something about a dev’s competence are not developers.
    I would never work with them.
  • 5
    @max19931 dark mode is better on the eyes in a dark room. Light mode is better in a well lit room.
  • 3
    @ostream Light themetards
  • 1
    You speak as if light theme devs are dying to work with you. Get rekt fam.
  • 0
    @ostream So apparently I’m a fascist then. Just wanted to tell you so that you can add it to your "tard" list.
  • 1
    @ostream Idk man, the last guy who took a shower after dealing with a fascist didn't come out of it sooooo
  • 0
    @ostream 😂😂
  • 1
    Yeah. Please don't work with them. You will be doing them all a great favour they didn't ask for
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