
Rant 1
Seriously what is the fucking difference between github gitlab bitbucket? Is it like the whatsapp/viber/signal shit?

Whatsapp was the first to create a system for free chatting? Then viber came along and copied the exact same fucking bullshit like whatsapp? Then signal came along and copied the same bullshit? And all other apps too?

Github was the first to create a system of GIT? And then gitlab came along and copied the exact same bullshit? Then bitbucket copied the same horseshit too?

Rant 2
1) echo "shit" > recruiter.txt
2) echo "shit" >> recruiter.txt

> Will create the file if not exists and OVERWRITE the text inside it

>> Will create the file if not exists and APPEND the text inside it

This is the only difference


Rant 3
Fuck this devrant ass shit for making me wait 2h to post a new rant. What are we in 1995? Not even facebook has this stupid restriction. Not any social media app EVER in existence. This shit is whack. U fear someone spamming the shit out of the app. But thats GOOD FOR U because you then have active people creating content on ur platform. Put this restriction away before i slap my dick on ur face!

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    @jestdotty You wanna complain about yourself then go for it. No one's stopping you to.

    But don't think that the 2 hour limit shouldn't apply to you, just because you got a load of shit to talk about.
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    The shit this dude posts is getting out of hand
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    Is this a joke? GitHub was not the first one... There were a lot of VCSs before.. not to mention you can host your own one... The difference is not only in the tools they provide on top of git (because hello, git wasn't invented by github.... github is a hub for git... git specifically was created by the linux community led by Torvalds


    yes, that's how those redirection operators work. It's a small but significant difference


    Yes, it's to stop people from spamming and slow down the board. Who even rants more than every 2 hours? Rants are supposed to be substantial and not every little thing that pops up in your head. That's what twitter/X is for
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    @Hazarth you fell for the troll.
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    @electrineer recruiters and the corporate world dump their bullshit inside me so i have to forward dumping the same bullshit somewhere else such as this platform!
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    @ostream i know whatsapp wasnt the first to do it but they were the first or among the first ones who BLEW UP in popularity for unknown reasons. Probably millions and millions of marketing campaign spendings
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    @jasetricks hi jase ill take over the bullshit from here
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    @b2plane I write all that and all I get is a 'fuck off'?? Oh come on man, I put some effort into what I wrote, more than what you put into finding jobs and getting interviews.
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    are u this illiterate. as a dev, you should know the answers. even ChatGPT is more clever lol.
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    Github is to git as pornhub is to porn.

    Why is there more than one git hosting service? The same reason why there's more than one porn site.

    Don't worry about learning them all. You don't need to practice using redtube and xhamster to be a proficient wanker. The same thing applies with these sites.
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