
just got directly sneezed on in the office from someone walking behind me. Turns out he's full of a cold.
That's my November fucked then

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    @ostream my wife gets to work from home...but she's going to get it from me now.
  • 3
    if u die from this, this wud be the funniest shit lmao
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    I have no idea what would be the **.

    I never catched a cold from someone else AFAIK
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    @ostream let's turn this around, working from home is nothing more that living at the office (home = office) everyday. That is the first step. The next one that your boss provides you with internet, electricity, water, food, entertainment... Before you know it, they control your life. When they fire you, you are pretty much homeless. (Future 4th millenium)
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    Did you say "god bless you" after he sneezed on you?
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    Take vitamin D.

    Edit: Or is this a coded no nut november lament?
  • 1
    Chill bro - it's just the november signature update.
  • 2
    @Demolishun I would've suggested c

    Eat some citrus. Could even eat some chicken, has zinc in it which helps you pass colds faster. You could eat these before getting sick and maybe even avoid getting sick

    Stress makes people more susceptible to sickness than anything else though, statistically
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    @jestdotty I also take a daily which has a lot of that in there. Zinc is really important too. The reason I say D is because I saw something about older people being able to survive covid came down to a D deficiency.
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    @azuredivay that's dark, i like it
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    At least you got it from someone else. I get a cold every year during this time. I'm not joking, my coughs wake me up from my sleep and have me run into the bathroom to puke the cough out.

    I cough so much I can feel my intestines curl up in my stomach, it gets that bad.
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    @SidTheITGuy that sounds better than the @b2plane daily shitstorm.
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    @Demolishun Trust me it isn't fun.. and yes it's happening to me now. Its 3 AM at my place and my cough wouldn't let me sleep. And I've already puked my intestines out about 4 times now.
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    @ostream Here it is still a no go for working at home :(

    So yeah. I would love to work from home too. At least during covid, I managed to get a new PC payed by the company.
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    Hey you all, remember that corona thingy from a while back? Boy wasn't that something. You would expect that the bare minimum one would remember is to not fucking sneeze into someone.

    Sue that person.
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