
What are your thoughts on working for a company that give their devs jira tickets that don't have any descriptions? I work for a big organisation (It's actually in the top 3 biggest companies in the country I live in) and I work in a team that has quite possibly the worst agile practice I've ever seen. We get tickets without any descriptions at all. The worst bit is then we get pressure from project management for not delivering things on time. Do they actually realise how difficult it is to deliver something without any business requirements? I have to have a million meetings before I even know wtf the ticket is about. It's incredibly annoying.

  • 1
    What???? So is it literally this?

    There bug in login derp
  • 2
    My thoughts are people who don’t include descriptions are lazy ass retards, I’m amazed these scrubs know how to turn a computer on without trying to eat the keyboard.
  • 3
    @TeachMeCode Our tickets only have a title, no description. It's horrendous & painful.
  • 1
    @whiskey0 that would piss me off. Luckily I never had that but if it became a regular thing I would be super pissed and maybe even educate qa, product etc the importance of descriptions while being pissed that I have to resort to this for people with big salaries
  • 10
    Very simple rule:

    No description - Ticket closed, rejected.

    Throw the poop back where it belongs.
  • 3
    Had that happen to me. Which was funny cuz I worked for that company prior and I was the lead dev then... And put the specs in the tickets after having meetings with upper management.

    This time around, the lead dev never answered my questions and then blamed me for not being psychic. I ended up being let go, though the company gave me extra pay for some reason when they did it, maybe because I basically narked on how that lead dev was not fit for managing people and this and this were clear management issues. Though I think this person was actively hostile to me so I don't think that'll work for you

    Could always update the tickets with the specs as you figure them out (I like documentation because I'm not going to remember everything and everyone who told me it and it can be hard to untangle disagreements, etc), and maybe it'll evolve the culture. Or maybe some dev will get hostile to you 😝
  • 1
    We’re guilty of this, but we’re a tiny tiny team that just talks about the issues anyway.
  • 2
    Honestly the best solution for this is to just reassign it back and put that ur blocked because no clear user story / end goal
  • 2
    Start bitching about definition of ready
  • 5
    if i get a ticket without description, i simply close it becuase it's not "ready for sprint".

    then i grab popcorn and wait for whoever is responsible to get an earbeating.
  • 0
  • 0
    It's somewhat ok.
    We write our tickets ourselves.
    It's like being your own boss, but neither understands what any of us is doing. Nor does anyone document anything. And far from correctly and definitely mysteriously.
  • 0
    @whiskey0 even if you manage to complete one of these cryptic tickets, how does QA know what to test if there's no description?

    Just refuse/close any ticket that doesn't have clearly defined acceptance criteria.
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