
I want to run any Linux distro but I think my laptop don't want to leave windows..... When I boot in Linux mint, it works like a charm for about 5mins but then It suddenly slows down....and..down...like exponentially decreasing until it freezes completely
Although I don't run anything, it's is in idle state

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    You should run Ubuntu
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    keep an eye on:

    - `vmstat 1` (see all the columns)

    - `dmesg -w` (look for any errors happening when it starts slowing down, any kernel process stack traces, kernel errors)

    - `htop` (see the load average; see how CPU load distributes across cores - do cores get hogged one-by-one?)

    ^^ this is a very good place to start
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    @netikras sure, i'll check
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    @retoor thanks Ubuntu did work, but my audio jack is not recognizable
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    @retoor probably, yes :)

    but it keeps my apartment warm and lit and puts food on my table and is hell of a fun source of all sorts of puzzles, so I don't mind it :)
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    @netikras and it feeds your cat
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    @retoor damn cat...
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    @Nanos dual booting, but heck I got myself into trouble, I am getting sudden shutdowns, my best guess is overheating. Got to get the system checked tomorrow
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    @EnigmaByte thanks for helping tho everyone I think the problem is on my side
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    @Nanos specifically Linux mint gives me a problem, Ubuntu don't and coming to log files, updates and all.... Honestly I don't know, i was trying to install Linux so as to learn it....
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    This behaviour sounds a lot like running out of memory. Did you see that with htop open?
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    If you want distro recommendation out of me it would be helpful to know what learning Linux means to you.

    Even it might be a bit hard on your system but WSL2 or docker might even be enough for you while you keep on the comforts of Windows.

    That doesn't work if you want to be a Linux admin or the full experience of pure Linux though.
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    I'd try Xubuntu - it's lighter weight. If that isn't light enough for you, maybe try Puppy Linux?
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