
docker documentation is terrible. Mf'ers seem allergic to giving actual functional examples.

Watch me generate a 1-to-1 copy of the docker compose docs (real & true):

`docker compose --help > docs.html`

  • 10
    Solid first rant!

    Try using grep.app to find real world examples. That's how I learned it.
  • 1
    @lungdart Wow, that is really useful! thank you!
  • 0
    Any time.
  • 2
    Truly - they haven’t updated it in years
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    @lungdart github rip, but not full snapshot as i couldn't even find my own code on github with it.
  • 3
    You just reminded me of how I need to deal with docker again, really soon. On our other server I've been able to use LXD/LXC to get by... not looking forward to it.

    I'm pretty sure there's some sadistic maintainer somewhere thinking up new ways to over-explain the simple/obvious yet come up with the least helpful examples possible for any complexities... laughing sinisterly alone in the dark.
  • 2
    i noticed this and was thinking of making a series of aliases for it. i shouldnt need 'docker ps -a' to list my containers
  • 1
    @fullstackcircus I owe most of my sanity to aliases... when I'm in hyperfocus coding (>90% of the code) i, ironically af, have a ridiculously hard time thinking of shit in english, and quite a timesink for any naming scheme that makes sense to !==me.

    Aliases make that all better...
    especially counting my odd use of UK spellings (as I'm fully American-- 18-21 worked for a UK company).
  • 1
    Do you know a simple way to explain aliases to a major newbie to dev... and computers...?

    It's the next thing I need to teach, but I learned it before the internet had many dev guides(~25yrs ago), from common (to me) sense.
  • 1
    @awesomeest its really not much different than a function - bringing together one or more commands / lines to a single easy to remember command

    but bash has functions too... which i also use as aliases 😂, typically when i need to pass arguments in a certain order
  • 0
    @fullstackcircus yea... but he's a HUGE newb (not his fault)... like since he never touched/knew anyone that even had access to a non-android computer... first real computer encounter was a $5k RHEL9 server (VERY local to me~4ft atm) remotely on an android tablet from Myanmar (i needed him to enter in my written server change logs to a text log)... then i got him a real (essentially mini but plenty of power for his needs... MM import restrictions) Win11 pc... just kinda.... uhh.. 'forgot' to mention the vast majority of GUI functions and dropped him a big Win/DOS/linux commands list req'd learning.

    Recently (few weeks ago) mentioned he thought itd be easier to do X in GUI, so i said sure... next thing i gave him was to make it simple for me to troubleshoot an audio issue... just use GUI, dev manager, get every audio dev(or things with the yellow triangle) and send me a text file with all the event logs. maybe a bit mean, but he chose to find/learn new wmic uses ;) no more GUI talk.
  • 0
    An update, he did dumb shit irl again, got fired, *significant time lapse*, pulled his head out of his rear a few weeks ago and worked his ass off catching up on the shit he didn't do before, enough to be rehired. Since it gave me carte blanche to set the bar a bit higher while offering less coddling... i did.

    I have a shit frame of ref for, well, most things, but definitely easy/simple vs complex/potentially mean comp sci stuff...
    Since he needs to understand a lot in a short time, like how programs dont actually need to be written (at least the vast majority) in whatever language the api or connecting endpoint wants/requires, and he needs to be very familiar with dbs, asap...

  • 0
    I had him figure out a basic MySQL cli table set up and simple query(we already went through datatypes, when/why/etc to limit max char, use of varchar vs char, ints that are strings but take less storage space as ints, etc.)
    So I gave him my simple py script (crypto wallet entry from untrusted user input) and told him to find and read through the mysql import used until he understood why i was making him do it.

    Surprisingly, after he got over that the 2 imports of the giant package were each over 1000 lines, he figured it out. No additional help. Fully explained the concept (of what he now knows is akin to a wrapper or alias) that the python code wasnt actually connecting to the db it was only creating the MySQL code by using py functions so the MySQL code/commands would work like straight CLI and perform the same operations/return the requested data back to the py code.

    Now he's super excited and focused to the point i need to watch so he doesnt burn out.
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