
New Infrastructure developer here, learning Kubernetes/Terraform. Looking to start a project but can't come up with ideas.


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    If you want real life: pick a complicated legacy system on GitHub and make it deployable with lovely pipelines

    The dependency ordering and application weirdness will probably reflect pragmatic decisions you'll need to make on real life
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    @MammaNeedHummus Legacy system huh? Hmmm like an old app? Or…
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    @TheYarbs yep old ish and full of weirdness and a docker file doesn't exist for it already

    There must be katas for docker and kube somewhere
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    @MammaNeedHummus This would be my first project. So, I'm trying to clone/fork a repo on github. What's Katas?
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    @TheYarbs oh if it's your first go you might want a nice and simple one first to learn best practices

    Definition of a code kata: https://medium.com/javarevisited/...

    Look for one todo with docker and kube etc
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    Hm, never heard of a Code Kata. Gonna look into this, thanks!
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