
Ghidra won't let you relocate a function or data label and update all pointers to it, so I made a tool where that is its only fucking job. That's all it does. Open a textfile, drop in symbol names, paste in hex strings, change address bytes in the hex strings to other symbol names, hit GO. why is this not a feature built into these goddamn RE tools, when people have been doing this manually since before game piracy was a thing on home computers?

  • 0
    It lets you relocate segments and set the base address via the "memory map" window, which also updates all pointers
    Why do you need it for individual labels/functions?
  • 0
    @devRancid if i'm knee-deep in a 16-bit project or something and i need to quickly relocate small functions to fit something new into the program, for example?
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