
After I picked up cooking, I dialed in a classic Russian pancakes recipe of my grandma (the babushka) and made it sugar-free. I cook those pancakes for my wife every Saturday, and she says they taste heavenly.

So, here’s the recipe of kiki’s pancakes:
- 8 eggs, 150g of 82% butter, 300g of flour, baking powder, 800ml of 3.2% fat milk. If you have a blender, it’ll make things easier
- let them sit and make all of them the same temperature
- take 8 eggs, add milk, stir
- liquify the butter in the microwave, add, stir
- sift the flour in while stirring continuously
- let it sit for 30 minutes
- take a pan, add little butter or sunflower seed oil, make it scary hot
- after you pour, flip the pancake when its top gets dry

to flip them easily, spread pastry wide when pouring, overlapping frying pan edges. Then, use those edges (now bone dry) to flip the pancake. After you’re done, those edges (now almost black) will break away, leaving a perfect pancake. This works especially well if you don’t have a good non-stick frying pan.


  • 0
    Mmm yummy... How much baking powder? And baking powder or baking soda? 😅
  • 1
    How many does that make? 8 eggs is a lot :D I use one egg for my pancakes and it makes 8-10
  • 1
    @ScriptCoded sorry, forgot about it. Roughly half a spoon, added at the very end. You can avoid it altogether, but then pancakes will lack holes, making them very hard to fry
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    @Hazarth what’s on the pic plus six
  • 0
    I agree that's a lot of eggs.

    As for baking powder, I'd say 11 or 12 grams based on how much flour.
  • 0
    @Hazarth muh protein
  • 0
    Eggs are expensive, can we use 1 or 2 instead?
  • 0
    Classic Slavic pancakes (thin ones, although every other pancake is thin if you compare it against american pancakes), we make it that way too, same recipe.

    The thing is you never make 8-10 of them. Make 20+ pieces as they taste fine even the second day as this saves some time.
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