
Just a thought...

Is it illegal to remove a geo blocker from a website by just setting the display to "none" in the dev tools?

Asking for a friend.

  • 9
    @g-m-f my "friend" wanted to watch southpark on the southpark website. They had to block it for a few days here in Germany due to some leal shit. So they just threw a blocking modal over the site that you could not exit. He just removed it and the site worked fineπŸ˜…πŸ˜…
  • 1
    @g-m-f I'll tell him that. Maybe he should think next time before he does shit like that.πŸ˜‚
  • 1
    @meretan I´ve also had that happen to a certain friend of mine in Finland. :)
  • 8
    It's always for a friend
  • 1
    @SubhrajyotiSen what a coincidence, that friend is being badass and NSA totally bought it lol
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