Yo guys
I have this girls nudes, should I keep em?
She died so idk
Since I have em and shes dead they are kinda like rare ass pokemon cards
Discontinued by manufacturer type shit

  • 0
    Print it out and put it on your desk, it is a very rare pokemon. Oh and please do not share these pics, thank you. Trash if it you don't want to see it.
  • 1
    mint em as rare NFT
  • 4
    Delete it.
  • 1
    Are you really asking if we are interested in dead chick pictures? That is a seriously specific fetish to be asking about in a general forum. This is the kind of post that lands you on an FBI watch list.
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    @Demolishun It's stolen from a "meme" page.

    Do you really believe this guy would ever land a girlfriend in the first place?
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy really, dang? I was purposely misreading what he said and acting like he had pictures of the chick after she died. Like some sort of fetish necrophilia photos.
  • 0
    @Demolishun Nah, it's from an old meme.

    This loser OP can't even speak to a camera properly, let alone a girl.

    Here, watch this video of OP trying to put 2 sentences together but hilariously failing at it -> https://youtube.com/watch/...
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy I went searching for the meme. Saw shit I can't unsee. Yeah, I am not looking for that anymore. lol

    This reminds me of the time I went looking for a picture of shit. Still haunts me the things I witnessed. You would think I would learn by now.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy so, we had this guy that lives near me in the same rough area. He was posting shit on facebook about pushing his knife into and pulling it out of a body. All on facebook. Turns out he had murdered his girlfriend and was talking about this shit in detail on facebook. I saw the facebook page and read a bit and realized how fucked up it was. I did not know him, but I wonder if I passed him by at walmart on an occasion or two. Pretty weird to think about.
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