
I like to code as a hobby as well as do it as a day job so it surprises me quite alot when people get all funny about me coding outside of work/uni. It's just funny because half of these brain dead students know nothing about anything other than what they're taught in education. Most students are so fucking stupid nowadays and they don't like to read or research or learn. But I'm the anomaly. Ok guys. Well done, go get pissed; it's the best you can do with your braindead selves.

  • 3
    The worst in all that is that those people might actually graduate and hired because of that piece of paper.
    I've seen my share of people getting out of those prestigious school. Their creations looks damn terrifying sometimes.
  • 0
    I know people that graduated with a first class honours Computer Science degree, and still struggle with basic programming constructs like loops
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    @Ezard I know those types of people too and it fucks me off how they got a first. And the reason is because most universities are too scared to challenge students with coding questions because some students don't "like" to code. Well tough luck fuck head, shouldn't have chosen this degree then. This is why most of them don't get good jobs, because they can't code on spot either.
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