
If I wanted to make a program that was compatible with windows Linux and Mac, using c# what would be the best options?

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    Eh switch to what 😂
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    Xamarin anyone?
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    @linuxxx oh yeah dunno why that slipped my mind
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    @0x29A I hate windows and C# but I've seen it around haha
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    @linuxxx looks like a c# backend with electron front end is my best choice tbh
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    .net Core and AvaloniaUI👍
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    @BindView I was waiting for you, there! Definitely the first thing that popped into my mind.
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    omg but java sucks so bad (well, I guess Java 8 is okayish).
    haters should really brush up on the advancements the C# language has made since they last checked, twelve years ago...
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    Xamarin sucks
    Switch to something else

    Why ask a question that can’t be answered? Why C#?

    If you know C#, then you can totally learn anything else.
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    @johnny-cache thanks, i use both c# and xamarin almost daily and they are absolute shit compared to java
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    Isn't Mono still an option for C#?
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    @BindView they really are
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    Xamarin is....not nice. At least I have found way too many difficulties. You want cross platform the real way? Java, you want it the easy less performant way? Electron, you want it the performant and haaard way? Cpp with qt. Java aint bad man and in my opinion way better than c#, choose your weapon->JVM now choose your language--> Java, Kotlin, clojure, scala, jpython, b4j etc etc
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    @AleCx04 oh yeah right, you can even kotlin now
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    @irene read that again :) electron is the "easy less performant way"
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    @AleCx04 why so rude
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    @irene it means :I did go ahead and forgot! :P but you right, my bad. I meant to say that Electron is not performant. Sorry about that
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    @irene you can get native performance out of electron.
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    @tahnik you can get the information from german spies but they will remain the enemy
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    @irene Search for nodeJS native addons.

    2) Yes, that is a problem and I acknowledge it. I hope they have a solution for that in future.
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    @BindView now sure what you are talking about
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    @irene If you need native performance everywhere in your app, you should not be using Electron. Everything has it's use cases.
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    @irene @tahnik
    Poor electrons. Your computers wouldn't run without them! 😢
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    @irene what I am trying to say is you can't just say: "To not use electron for performance reasons."

    It depends on what kind of performance you are looking for. If your GUI doesn't need extreme performance, then you can just create your GUI in JS and use native backend to do the processing.

    But if your GUI needs to change based on real time data and needs to really performant, one should use pure native apps.
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