
Hi there, fellow ranters! I'm creating a project and need your feedback on it!


  • 1
    Soooo you want to create a website that acts like a central hub to view the articles of many websites?
  • 0
    @tisButABug that's the basic concept, yes.
  • 1
    @vaaesh I like the idea but what about copyright? It seems to me displaying another websites/publishers article without their consent could lead to copyright claims. However I could be wrong...
  • 1
    @tisButABug You're right but we won't be using or serving their content on our domain apart from the heading, excerpt / subtitle, name of the publication and featured image.

    On clicking on a heading, the user is taken to the original article.
  • 1
    sounds like you want to build an rss reader.
  • 0
    @plusgut I had the same thought, but there's a lot that makes us different from your standard RSS reader.

    #1-> We have an equipped podcast and weekly newsletter.

    #2-> We have an in-house commenting solution, encouraging discussions.

    #3-> We serve a curation of all the aggregated articles.

    #4-> We aggregate only what's absolutely qualitative, not every other article certain blog publishes.

    #5-> We'll be publishing video and podcast embeds as well.
  • 0
    @vaaesh so you are a blog with generated/curated content?
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