
I am currently working in a company which according my parameters is very good and which I've been "chasing" for over 1 year and a half... I feel really fine...

But something curious started to happen 3 weeks ago... Companies before that in which I had an interview and that they said I wasnt enough experienced (not even with 5 years almost 6 working as a dev), started to contact me making a job offer (obviously without tech interview)...

Does anyone feels this like funny or a dejavu of an experience in another area ?... They said no but when I found the a place they start to appear like the grass of my backyard with offers... They would have made an offer before dumbasses

  • 2
    I get job offers on a weekly basis, it is normal that you have more requests if you recently looked for a job, but most likely after a month because recruiters are slow as fuck.
  • 0
    @Hammster Yes... You are right... But in my case, from those companies that disqualified me 5 weeks ago let say... very funny...
  • 1
    Not weird but your current employer hired you so I would give them your loyalty unless you have a good reason not to.

    What happened is they interviewed you with too high of standards for a job that didn't require them. They contacted you now thinking that you'd still be unemployed. It's basically like if a girl turned you down then exhausted her options and settled. It's kind of disrespectful.
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