
So as most of you know I was inspired to create a Minesweeper that allows continuing after you hit a mine.

Not sure if such a version existed before but... if it doesn't now it does.


Sorry @linuxxx Windows only... don't feel like learning Electron ATM or JavaFX... honestly I just wanted the games to continue after hitting a mine.

  • 6
    I too had this dream thank you, now it comes true :D
  • 4
    btw... i just found a bug/cheat/easter egg...

    let me know when you find it :)
  • 4
    50 x 50 ... 625 or 750 mines.... i forgot which one i picked... Medium or Hard...
  • 6
    I forgot to play it still exploring its source code especially that it is XAML and MVVM
  • 2
    @gitpush is that bad? yea its messy.... more interested in getting it running then making it look nice :)
  • 5
    @billgates not at all, sorry if it sounded like a bad thing, but I just really like WPF (@jAsE can confirm :p)
    and to see it written using mvvm pattern, it made me forget why I entered the repo and kept on reading how you did it. You did a great job there billy

    Are contributions welcomed if I found anything to add?
  • 3
    @gitpush np, was just wondering if you were saying the code was messy and unreadable. I spend a lot of time "exploring" other people's code at work.
  • 4
    I worked on one recently too ^^
    Chain reaction was dope to develop.
  • 4
    @billgates so far it is well written and to be honest I'll be using it as a guideline as I rarely find any mvvm code to compare it to mine, I'm no expert in it, but from what I've seen your code follows through the guidelines of it and that's what matters IMO
  • 2
    Contributions are fine, make sure you can build it first though. I dunno if I checked in all the files needed. But I did add the DLLs rather than use the library references. The source code for the classes though are similar to the ones in the library repo. But just a special built so i don't have to import 4 different projects.
  • 2
    @jAsE lool thank you :p
  • 4
    @HelloUglyWorld you mean when you click on the empty ones and it expands the surrounding cells?

    Yea... about that... I used a recursive call rather than a loop... i just figured it prolly wont cause a stack overflow....
  • 3
    @jAsE it was @billgates who made it lol I just forked it for now :P
    I only won that game by choosing a custom large size so that it removes almost half the squares on each click and you are left with couple of places to explore, if you have Windows 7 try it you will win for sure :D
  • 2
    @billgates 'tis fine.
    If I remember correctly, I've used a for loop from 0 to 8 with some modulo math and 2 if checks.
  • 2
    @HelloUglyWorld yea but if the adjacent is also empty you either need to add it to a queue or in my case recursive call the the function again with that cell.

    I guess maybe i should change it, i can practicing using Algos... DFS, BFS...
  • 2
    @gitpush custom large size? what minesweeper is that? I only remember at least the old version... you could only choose the difficulty.

    Actually I wonder who wrote the original Minesweeper... would be sort of ironic if it was Bill Gates 😆

    Nevermind, it wasnt.... 😞
  • 2
    @jAsE One time, I completed this game in 4 seconds. Don't know how it happened, chain reaction God must have been blessing me. So yeah that's my(?) record - 4 freaking seconds!
  • 2
    @Cyanide I finish it in two seconds but its for a lose and not a win like yours :P
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