
Joke about Rust all you want, but Rust is the reason efficient programs are on vogue. When you see a web developer optimizing their JavaScript to make a smaller bundle, or a backend developer getting rid of dependencies, thank Rust for that.
I don't like Rust, I don't like their community, I don't like their superiority complex, but their existence is net positive so far.

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    but it IS superior
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    I tend to agree that the community is annoying though, they made a language with good qualities and maxima, therefore every quality and maxim of the language must be good and anything that doesn't encode well in it isn't worth writing.
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    @lorentz superior to javascript? yes. everything is.
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    @tosensei Superior to all general purpose languages that I know of, and a couple DSLs.
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    @lorentz superiority compIex is about how they treat other people, not about the language itself. Just because someone happens to be coding in Python doesn't mean they're dumber than someone who codes in Rust.
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    @kiki I didn't observe that kind of behaviour yet, but I guess it's enough for one in 50 people to be condescending for newcomers to feel unwelcome.
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    @lorentz also, I think CL is better than Rust. Okay, it might be slower for some tasks, but CL's macros are leagues ahead of what Rust has. I'm friends with an ex-Nyxt engineer, and their browser is ~20k lines of CL + WebKit. The expressiveness of CL is unprecedented, so it should handle rising complexity better.
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    @kiki Does common lisp support any kind of type checking or static verification?
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