
restoring a 2TB DEV DB running in k8s on SPOT instances is like trying to aim at a moving target. With a slingshot.

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    skill issue, lmao
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    @SidTheITGuy please share your wisdom, I'd very much like to know how to restore a pgdump into a pod that keeps restarting every ~30 minutes (the import takes ~1h)
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    @netikras just kidding bro, u know it 😄
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    @netikras so is it with the pg_restore command ?

    You could use the --jobs=8 parameter.
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    @Grumm I'm running with -j5. Still not fast enough
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    Spin up an ec2 node and affinity your pod/stateful set to it. Pgdump to restore the volume, then kill it and let spot instances do their thing
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    It's one thing to reduce costs, but you need to engineer this into a break glass feature, that you ideally deploy from TF using a feature flag to enable
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