
After years of back-end development there's a thing which keeps bugging me: how little "interactive" the development process can be.
When I did front-end I took for granted that the application I was developing was easy to run so I could immediately test any little change I do on code but on back-end this is rare to see: you develop with tons of external dependencies (authentications, VPNs, databases...) so getting your application up and running can be an huge hassle and testing API controllers can be slow and frustrating since I have to continuously juggle multiple development environments, manually regenerate tokens, do guesswork to find which parameters you have to use for your API request, maintain my Postman/Insomnia HTTP calls collection to prevent it from turning into an unusable spaghetti mess... lots of repetitive tasks which kills my focus and makes me struggle in getting into a decent flow.

Automated testing has lot of potential in helping with that but its hard to introduce when you're rewriting a legacy sistem and you're already exceeded your budget.

I wonder if I'll keep doing back-end once I'm done with this project.

  • 4
    Read the book: Working Effectively With Legacy Code as will change your dev life
  • 2
    I got anxiety reading that
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    Every backend dev I have ever met has hair loss. Every single one.
  • 2
    @MammaNeedHummus I knew this book but for various reasons (mostly an already gigantic "to read list") but I never bought it, I got the book this morning, I read few pages and now I feel stupid for not reading it before... I skimmed part of it and it seems to cover situations like mine very well
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    @jestdotty Anxiety for the development environment or for my broken English 😁
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    @Root I'm balding too... and it seems to have accelerated after I transitioned to BE
  • 0
    > I got anxiety reading that

    Sounds like it did change your life then 😉 @jestdotty
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    @DEVil666 try the foreword, preface, and first chapter if you want to feel seen - made the rest fun to read for me
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    @MammaNeedHummus As I'm writing this I'm reading chapter 3, this book definitely speaks to me and to my legacy code induced misery
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