
So I'm a windows person through and through.. I used them at school college and university, but
I've heard a lot about Linux and unbuntu and it's got me a little curious Now the question I'm asking is can someone eli5 what unbuntu is? is it free to use? how hard is it to install? How hard is it to use? What is it good for? work/games/music?

  • 1
    I found exactly what you wanted: https://google.fr/amp/s/...

    Don't hesitate to ask if you're not sure about some things but it seems pretty well summarised in my opinion.
  • 3
    if you want to try it first...
    install www.virtualbox.org
    get a ubuntu iso image
    create a new virtual machine
    mount the ubuntu image


  • 2
    Easy to install if you dont need dual boot, if you do we Just have to talk a lil bit about partitions and swap memory, we are here for you.

    Try without install whith a live! (Boot from USB/cd)

    If you want to dive in the topic:
    -Free ad in freedom, Richard stallman, free ebook
    -Linus Torvalds
    -MIT license, GPL license
    -GNU is not Unix, Unix like systems
  • 1
    First of all its ubuntu, not unbuntu
  • 2
    There’s also Mint if you are just starting. I would suggest trying to run it in a virtual machine before so you can test it. Also, LINUX IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!! Oh and it’s open source, customizable, free and all that good stuff
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