Modern title inflation is a piece of shit.

Story time: recent hire from MANGA with multiple (!) AWS certificates.

Spent almost the whole day setting up a simple (one DB to another) replication with AWS Database Migration Service.

Never finished, lied that finished and run simple backup-restore.

I spent 15 minutes configuring migration and 30 minutes running full load + started ongoing replication.

The part of "ongoing replication" was done with cronjob + backup-restore.

Knows dogshit.

Overinflated ego, and organization now need to spend time and money to deal with the person.

Attrition continues...

  • 1
    Call that person out , and should be fired on the spot.
  • 0
    Some people have no idea regardless of their experience or certificates.

    I had to re-educate the tech lead when I first started working for a client. He had to run some queries to generate some simple reports from the database and his approach was to create a whole new cluster with duplicated data that he could run the queries against. So "not to take the whole production database down". I told him you have to fucking be kidding me, there's a couple of hundre thousand records in there and you think the database engine can't handle that? For fuck's sake, move aside and let me do this shit for you. The query finished in a few seconds, generated the god damn report he needed and needless to say I am tech lead now.
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