That ironic moment when a Microsoft support engineer re-shared my GNU/Linux article...

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    @AlexDeLarge I read your comment but couldn't post my reply for some odd reason so had to delete the rant and re-post it.

    I wrote "irony" in the sense that an employee that works for Microsoft-that gave the world Windows as an OS, is re-sharing my Linux based article. Don't get me wrong. Not saying he can't or shouldn't. Just found it a little contradictory in context (Windows vs GNU/Linux- because I have mentioned in my article that GNU/Linux is better than Windows any given day, at least imo). :P
  • 7
    How is that ironic?

    I do web development, development for Raspberry Pi, and some c#.

    My preferred os is windows, but I still use other os'es...

    It could've been me sharing that article and it would be pretty normal since I'm not limited to just one os, even if it's my main one.
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    That's what I just explained in my comment above! @FMashiro
  • 10
    I dont think that it is ironic, because Microsoft is one of the biggest contributor to the Linux Kernel
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    Talking wrt two different OS here. @Linux
    Cool though, to each its own :)
    I found it ironic, doesn't mean you should (and others who disagree) too.
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    If it was back in the days when Steve Ballmer ruled, this would be a sight :)
    But MS has released MSSQL server and .NET for Linux last year :)
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    Well, Satya Nadella has indeed turned around the tables. Wasn't it released in 2016 though, if I remember correctly ๐Ÿค” @Linux
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    Oh, yeah it is 2018 now lol
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    @SheShell Awesome! You should consider this as an achievement since he is working at Microsoft (hence probabily a good engineer) and found your article worth sharing.

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    I know right? This article has actually got a lot of traction in comparison to my other tech articles. 440 likes, 1.7k+ views, 38 re-shares and a lot of comments too. @deepmind Thanks though :D
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    I had to look that up, thanks for poiting that out m8
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    Is it ironic that you can build Linux-based architectures on Azure then? That you can use MySQL or mongodb instead of SQL server on Azure?
    What about the the Linux subsystem in Windows 10, is that ironic?
    I mean come on....
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    @dontbeevil No, google has google drive for windows, so...
    It's only Apple that has a very big preferance over other OSs
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    Why is there not a single link to the article in this rant? Some of us want to read it!

    EDIT: Nevermind, I found it.
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    @RiderExMachina Still leaving this here in-case others wish to read it :)

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