
This SINGLE space just broke my entire project. Good luck debugging that one...

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    Did the same with a "4"...
  • 2
    Is that supposed to generate an error? I'm curious, what kind was it?
  • 0
    Fascinating, what error did it cause? My PHP is a bit rusty - I was last writing it in 2003 :)
  • 3
    That's the worst part. The first line of the error: "FatalErrorException in Address.php line 3:" (notice line three)
  • 1
    But why? Is that just PHP syntax?
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    "Namespace declaration has to be the very first statement or after any declare call in the script"
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    @austinkregel luckily my browser automatically updates when I save, and I have a habit of saving almost after every line, so I discovered the error quite fast, so I were able to undo until it worked again. Otherwise I'd never discovered the mistake
  • 4
    Attempted to send headers after output was started.
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    The joy of combining a programming and a templating language into one.
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    I was going to say it probably said it was line 3 with some sort of expected
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    you probably want to obfuscate your personal information from this post
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    @mostlyharmless yeah I noticed too, however it's a bit too late now. We really need the ability to edit posts
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    Didn't this had something todo with that PHP renders HTML by default and require/import could not require HTML. So when the space got there PHP thinks it needs to render HTML but the require system didn't like that so just threw an exeception?
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    @austinkregel I just found out that ctrl+s (with auto refresher) is the best habit in the world ;)
  • 1
    This is the reason why I constantly shivers all the time when developing for Wordpress... This particular "issue" and similar non describable "fun things" will certainly appear at the lest appropriate moments...
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    Anders W Olsen
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    @SithLord I know, but it's a bit too late to cover it up
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    holy ^`|¢^€^[©€!

    I've seen that before. Thank you for sharing and reminding me of that fker! Got to love PHP...also fk the seemingly random apache server htacess lines to set php to be parsed by the server correctly...every host has their own specific set and oh it doesn't work? because you didn't remove our default handler first then add back some (completely random) correct one you have to use because this host is 'different'! Ah well, good catch on that missing space! :)
  • 0
    All the time
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