
It baffles me how underrated Electron is.

I'm not a fan of learning millions of different Framework, but I think that Electron is groundbreaking.

To give some context, both Slack and Discord are made using Electron

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    It may be useful, but it also packs in chrome. Slack is the biggest ram hog I've ever had to consistently use
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    It also is one of the biggest resource hogs.
    Atom vs sublime text

    That's the reason some don't prefer electron. It's basically uses a chrome process
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    @Cheeseypi @Daveloper I agree, I only briefly tried it out and like the concept. I'm aware that packaging chromium is a little dumb, but the concept of using js/html/css on a desktop application definitely makes creating smooth desktop applications easier.
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    @irene all discord processes added together takes less than 300MB on my end. Same with Slack.

    Regardless, I'd take 4GB over flash any day
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    My friend would like to add a few of her words:
    What's the problem with memory use if we have 8/16/32 gigs of ram anyways?
    She isn't on devrant
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    @irene well you know, assuming Electron gains popularity, I'm pretty sure it would also end up being optimized. There's probably not enough users yet for such a large scale optimization to take place
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    @irene pfft, sloppy programmers, not sloppy programming languages. Not to mention JS isn't going anywhere anytime soon
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    @irene I guess it's true NodeJS is making a mess enough as it is
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    @Daveloper That is a horrible mindset.
    Juat because you have a lot of something doesn't mean you should waste it!

    “The most amazing achievement of the computer software industry is its continuing cancellation of the steady and staggering gains made by the computer hardware industry.” (Henry Petroski)

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    @irene @root
    Thanks for explaining!
    I agree with you both, I'll be forwarding the responses.
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    Spotify for desktop is built on chromium engine, or more specifically Chromium Embedded Framework

    “Based on Chromium web browser and provides the infrastructure developers need to quickly add HTML renderer and JavaScript to a C++ project”
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    Yes! Everyone use the desktop web! They are super easy to hack!

    *Laughs in hoodie*
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    Atom is working on an experiment where they're writing the backend in rust. Don't have the link rn. It's really interesting
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    I think slack only uses so much ram because of all the GIFs I send.
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    Too many comments too tired to read them all.

    I reached a point where I wish I could make HTML, JavaScript, CSS FUCKING DISSAPPEAR!!!
    Dafuq is wrong with this shit world!! Those are for the fucking web stop putting them in useless shit frameworks and call them: multi platform shiny fucked up framework!! And call it a fucking trend (React I'm talking to you dickhead!) And then comes flutter because react and ionic were not enough.....

    Please someone make a new framework cuz y'all know, cool devs now don't write native, we need a new framework for 2019, someone better start now!!

    Just my two cents, don't care for replies :)
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    Blame the developers, not the language. Just because a language is powerful but also gives you the freedom to shoot yourself in the foot doesn't mean you should do it.

    Incompetent devs will write bad code and create poorly designed systems in every language.

    And 300mb of ram is literally nothing, unless you're talking about embedded systems. If you're struggling with 4gb ram in 2018 it's your fault. You might as well use ie6.
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    @ObiSwagKenobi just a note:

    I read my comment again and it may seem a bit offensive

    ITS NOT! I'm not attacking anyone, i'm just stating my (somewhat unpopular) opinion (ᵔᴥᵔ)
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    This is the trend anyway. Human are tend to waste and deplete everything and anything. That's how the Earth dies. Precise and proper usage is never in our gene. So when it comes to digital stuffs like RAM and whatnot, it is worse. They are gonna keep creating bigger and bigger specs until when? I don't know. But they will. And the rest will not give a shit at all. Even at this devrant community, how small percentage of us care about optimization? Very small.
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    Spending half the money/time to develop for twice the number of platforms sounds quite 'optimized'.

    Do you really need to further optimize a constant 250mb of ram usage in 2018? Unless absolutely needed, that's actually time that could be spend working on something else/ refactoring/ adding new features.
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    @ObiSwagKenobi money is only a matter because of the time. In the end we just wants things faster. Imagine a world without planes or a world without those web frameworks. Will we still argue about the duration of traveling to far destinations? Will we still argue about the cost of development for multiple frameworks? But no. We can't even imagine it anymore. Just like your comment stated. We are so used to making things more convenient, quick and easy.

    That's actually why we are looking for another planet. That's the only solution left for us. We will keep growing and growing and spending and spending.

    So to answer your question about RAM, well no of course.
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    @CurseMeSlowly not to mention 250MB is peanuts anyways.
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    @CurseMeSlowly We all want our lives to be more convenient. That's what progress is all about.

    I guess you prefer using compilers, rather than writing code in assembly. That's what frameworks are, just another level of abstraction to make your life easier.

    I know you're talking about human nature, but saying that wasting a tiny bit (pun intended) of ram is like wasting natural resources is a faulty generalisation.
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    Saying that using abstractions (like a framework) is wasteful is like saying that using a browser is wasteful.

    After all, you can manually read the tcp packets yourself, no? :p
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    @irene crazy world we live in.
    I'm ok having that shit for mobile will make it easy for web developer to go into mobile world, but making them alternative to native coding is what makes me angry.
    I've heard it a lot: let's use react native for all mobile apps!
    Or Ionic is the real deal here

    As for me they need to fucking DISSAPPEAR!!

    Happy to see someone understands me :)
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