April fools by M$. (it had reset and off them not just this one)

  • 1
    Bastards trying to get you to use Edge even on April Fool's
  • 1
    I don't have a problem with Edge. Works good for me. Chrome development, and Edge for personal browsing. I like to keep work and private separate
  • 1
    @duckduckgo pure chrome for development and Firefox with tons of selected security and privacy things for personal things
  • 0
    @duckduckgo it's an ok browser, but it's just sad how desperate Microsoft have become trying to force it on everyone.
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    For emergencies like this, I have a separate hard drive with windows 7 on it
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    @Conrad lol I like that idea. I wish I could switch to Linux but damn too many games that won't run there...
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