It's easy to make jokes about this whole Google assistant thing, but can we just take a second to appreciate what they've done here?

Ethics and morals aside, this tech is incredible, we are truly living in the future. Right here, right now.

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    next 5 years will be the future
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    The future of mass... oh no ethics or morals, yes the future looks bright and full of extraordinary things to come!
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    It's dystopian, still gives me chills thinking back to what they showed on their blogpost
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    I'd say we need more not less ethics and morals. Some nerds should stop doing stuff simply because it's "cool" or possible.
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    I think that if the ethics and morals of a company are fucked, this goes for the products as well.

    Google can seriously go fucking fuck itself.
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    I really respect Google and what they done, everything, especially Google Duplex. That tech is something awasome. I would like to use it right now, everyday, why? Because that'll change lifes of some people, and that thing could be developed in the direction that its creators will choose.
  • 6
    Can't be a shiny future if you have to say "ethics and morals beside"
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    At 2015 i thought future has come.
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    Is it that good in English? The German version can't tell you the weather for a specific time, only for the whole day. "What's the weather like tonight at 9pm?" - "the weather today is mixed with temps from x to y." Wow thanks bitch.
  • 5
    Actually, we're living in the present. The future is near though. 😇
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    @SPie I'm not saying it should be ignored, but this kind of stuff fascinates me and I just want to appreciate the minds of the engineers behind it.
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    @TempestasLudi but we will never be able to reach it. It keeps running away from us.
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    @featurenotbug I would rather quit my job than being that intrusive.
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    @linuxxx might be soon possible 🙃
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    @Codex404 nawww, bummer!
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