  • 2
    Njeh. The mouse, as the printer and keyboard, has its place.
    I for one would not want to play shooter games using only a keyboard.
    Or other graphic stuff. For typing/text editing using a mouse is generally a bad idea 😉
  • 0
    @TempestasLudi everything in my workflow these days is 100% keyboard based soooo...
  • 1
    @TempestasLudi you ever tried drawing with a mouse? Not pleasant unless your username is syrsa
  • 0
    @inaba i wouldn't exactly call drawing a "dev habit" or a dev job
  • 1
    Super-x opens xterm on my home machine. That's the start of like 90% of the actions in my workflow for work.

    I use the mouse for games and browsing, but for work, I'm all keyboard.
  • 0
    @bahua vim chromium extension for browsing and currently trying out qutebrowser
  • 0
    I'm not annoyed to use Firefox with a mouse.
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