"Don't want to be 'warned' in the future?"

Seriously? Warning?

Desperation at it's best.

  • 9
    Just Mircoshit things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 10
    Considering a recent Windows update reset my desktop wallpaper and replaced all opened Firefox tabs with a Bing ad this doesn't surprise me at all.

    Windows 10 seems to get more obnoxious adware features every few months, and for me it's already reached the limit. The next time it breaks thanks to garbage updates I won't reinstall that shit again. It's reached a point where I don't even care about gaming support anymore.
  • 3
    I'm so glad I got used to mac os. An year ago, I was on the other side. I'm never buying a Windows laptop ever again.

    It's much better to pay a premium price for a macbook instead of getting fucked like this by the retarded Windows engineers.
  • 7
    let's hope Microsoft gets sued for this for over 5billion euros by the EU 😄
  • 8

    It doesn't matter how good Edge is. This kind of behavior is unacceptable.
  • 0
    Why is it so important to Microsoft that everyone uses edge. I just don't get it. Everytime I use it it crashes
  • 2

    Agreed that's pretty goddamned annoying when Google try to push their browser.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil but they don't interrupt the install process! I actually never got this message, but I admit that I have chrome installed as well, besides of Firefox focus
  • 1
    That's why i use lynx
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