
I reset my Linode VPS to vanilla Arch after the blundered attempt to use an unsupported Linux distro. Now I'm reinstalling OpenVPN and decided to try out IPv6 networking over the tunnel. Got my free address block and it is SO AWESOME, even typing the addresses feels nicer. I never want to touch IPv4 octets again.

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    "This guy said he hated you @Linux"
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    @Jilano oh no, what?
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    @tokumei No worries, it was just a joke. It's just that many people (including our Linux), are raising questions regarding IPv6 and its security (e.g. no NAT)
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    IPv6 is nessecary, but it is glorified as a jesus christ that will save the internet. People are adopting it without thinking
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    @Linux I've been reading quite a bit on the topic since your rant, and it does indeed seem that way. Still need to learn more to get a more "complete" view, but it's interesting to see how the whole thing will be managed.
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    That's great that you have read about it, not many people does actually do their own research really.

    So thank you for being a good citizen!
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