
Omg Laravel is a nightmare

  • 3
    What's wrong?
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    @sigfried i don't know it feels so clunky
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    @wowotek lol,, what is clunky?
  • 4
    That’s an unusual statement to find.
    I don’t use it myself, but I would if I had to use a framework.
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    @sigfried i am newcomer to laravel coming from jsp, hoping something a bit easier, and less confusing. And for me laraver IS easier and less confusing, but personally i need a lot of work around instead of real algorithm to get use to it. That's why it is still a nightmare for me and feels clunky
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    Or i don't understood it yet.
  • 7
    Honestly Laravel is probably the best framework out there. Try use CodeIgniter then try Fuel then try Cake then try Laravel. You'll immediately love Laravel haha
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    @wowotek once you get it. It's actually pretty good. ;) Don't worry
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    Laravel is nice, you just need to get used to it.
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    @Otakurist but even Lumen states you probably want to use laravel...
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    I have to use custom MVC framework in my job and I really appreciate Laravel when I can use it.
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    I mainly use laravel for my projects(generally with modules) and I've done some jsp before too. I don't regret the switch at all
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    @Otakurist I know, but he states that most people should use laravel because the lack of features.
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    Yes it's true could be nightmare! I felt the same when I got started on laravel too! But now! I couldn't think anything much easier than laravel! Except vue 😋
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    @cha-m-ra vue is more difficult because of the freedom.
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    How the fuck does Taylor do so many projects. The guy is like superman to me.

    And I've never seen anyone say anything bad about it except that it has too much convenience.
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    @rant1ng lumen is just a dressed out laravel. Combine that with an active dev community
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    To summarise the comments, compared to worse things Laravel is better
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