
Not only did my boss insist on setting up roles and permissions for our app how he designed them, even after I spent 4 or 5 hours trying to convince him to let me do it differently, but he has now fucked our entire system.

Under this model of roles and permissions you cannot enforce them on the backend by any means, and now we have a service dealing with users including resetting passwords and changing details that does not use authentication. That's right, aurhe tocation and not even talking about authorization now. Good job.

I honestly wish companies like this would get hacked and fucked over as soon as they did it wrong because I can't believe how retarded some people are.

  • 4
    And when they get hacked, you’re the one who is fucked. Cuz in those situations the bosses immediately don’t remember that they were the ones pushing this shit through, but blame the innocent bystander (you)
  • 1
    @Prutser log everything and let them sign off on every change that goes against your advice.

    Always cover your own ass, because when shits hits the fan most people only care for themselves
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