
Got another one of my boring questions for us all to hopefully discuss a little.

With all the talk about the Librem 5 starting to ramp up more and with my little delve into UBports, was curious as to what other devs would be interested in/want/need from a mobile Linux operating system.

For me it's simple but mostly creature comforts.

1. Consistency and convergence, give me the ability to run a full desktop environment along side the mobile DE but make it consistent between the two (Looking at you Microsoft with your continuum)

2. Doesn't loose the customisability of Linux, let me install any Linux application I want and customise the theme and icons (Something I have a gripe with UBports)

3. Have accompanying operating system with an echo system, so have a wearable OS, a desktop OS and mobile OS, having that tie between the 3 is amazing as a heavy android and chromeOS user.

Would love to bring some of these things to reality but don't have any knowledge of how to do it, personally would love to see elementary OS have a crack at this (Wont happen but got to deam!)

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    - To me, being able to install "anything" is not a top priority, but I would like to be able to in the long term.

    - Creating a nice ecosystem would be great indeed! I too wonder how a "mobile elementaryOS" would look like with its minimalistic design.

    Quite curious as to what others might have to say, though!
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    @Jilano that's definitely one of the creature comforts, more like if I want to install a GTK based application, let me.

    Obviously would take some work and isn't a 100% needed component :-3

    And that's my thought, reckon a lot of dev's have thought of this question before
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    @lxmcf Makes sense, that's defnitely the appeal of GNU / Linux!

    I prefer my systems/phones/etc. to be as "light" as possible, but I'm sure there are tons of little desktop tools that could do great on mobile.

    Hopefully there'll be a big enough market for the project to get even more traction.
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    Also if anyone is interested in picking each others brain about this more feel free to contact me. May not have the brains to build it but have the will to develop it!
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