
What do you think about AI replacing translators and interpreters?

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    An AI can't travel around the world to actually understand people and the way they speak, that's different from translating a sentence.

    EDIT maybe it will, if well trained, but there always be something that it will miss.

    Also, I'm comparing the AI with a very good translator, not anyone.
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    Impossible in the next few decades at least.

    For good translations you need to understand the context, because the grammars of different languages are often completely incompatible. So for example if someone points at a building and asks a question about it, the AI may have to know that he's pointing at a building in order to correctly translate the grammar, or to know which of the three different meanings of a certain word was meant. Good luck with that.

    If you want to estimate how soon AI will replace professional translators, take a look at the average auto-translated app descriptions.
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    @dmonkey but also hardly any trsnslator travel to all country where the language is spoken @deadlyRants Google translate is not the best solution out there
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    @noogli I didn't mention any specific translation software, and I know of none that's significantly better than Google.

    Yes, when you translate an everyday conversation between e.g. german and english it can work pretty well. But try languages with larger grammatical differences(if they're even available) and it may already have issues with 1-2 words.

    And this kind of problem can't be solved until the AI has real intelligence.
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