I just got emotional.
It means a lot....

  • 4
    C will always have a place in my heart even if I use it rarely nowadays.
  • 1
    @drcool yes C forever!
  • 11
    What a great rant posted in the rant category because thats where it belongs, the rant category, because it is a rant
  • 0
    I feel nostalgic
  • 3
    I feel some rearranging is in order.

    Donatello is the engineer and the most technical so he’s C++.

    Michaelangelo is the youngest and laziest so he should be Python.

    Leonardo is the leader and needs to get shit done and rely on a robust framework so he can be C#.

    Raphael is an asshole and a masochist so the only choice for him is Java. 🙂
  • 0
    And you know what - force and speed of youth usually falls prey to experience and perfidiousness of age.
  • 1
    @ganjaman Not to mention that this is the very first time that image is posted on a rant. The very first time.
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