
I mean, the developer just didn't even fucking care that the annoying menu is in the center of the screen, wtf (reader mode save me)

  • 7
    It is a new design man
  • 5
    I see such things soo often and always wonder.. is it my device? Is it my settings? Who the fuck would leave it like that?
  • 3
    what on earth.
    It looks like the footer is above the header?

    I don't even k ow how you could get that to even work on purpose and still be in the centre of the screen 😂
  • 4
    This is awesome! I always have trouble touching the menu at the top of the screen since my thumb isn't 2 meters long
  • 2
    @Traser The Microsoft windows phone ui style guide suggested to place options at the lower edge of the screen because it is better usable. Unfortunately noone does it and everyone just sticks to desktop like thinking on mobile devices
  • 2
    This is right up there with floating top bars, floating sidebars for social sharing that no one fucking uses, and floating bottom bars ON TOP of floating bottom bars, which in turn are covered over by a floating bar demanding you sign away your privacy in exchange for a batch of shitty (virtual) cookies.

    And who can forget...

    modal promotional boxes claiming "YES I WANT YOU TO PROBE ME HARDER DADDY by entering my email for cool giveaways here!" with hunt-for-the-button nearly-invisible links that snarkily proclaim how "no I don't want to last longer/harder/faster, don't want to save money, don't want to cure kids with cancer, etc, etc, just let me view the site."

    Oh, and everyones fucking favorite "please disable ad revenue. (our editors are basically writers for hire in pakistan and are slowly starving to death because ramen cups have no nutritional value). Praise alibaba."

    Good rant.
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