Okay, this is me panicking. We're switching to Microsoft Teams at work. This means that I will have to cut the Slack and switch to a fucking Microsoft solution for chat. Am I supposed to be worried?

  • 4
    Same thing happened to us at school, yes :/
  • 6
  • 5
    I'm worried for you lol
  • 2
    @M1sf3t It's me panicking
  • 6
    I've been using teams without any hassle (on Linux in chrome).

    I created a desktop entry which launches teams in app-mode. Notifications and everything else is handled by the browser. Clicking a link opens a fully fledged chrome browser tab.

    So, in my experience, no, there's no reason to be worried.
  • 2
    @polaroidkidd Are you running it with Electron? Or did you use some other toolkit?
  • 6
    No, I just use the browser version. Chrome has an app mode which your can use to only show the website without toolbar/urlbar etc.

    You can invoke it from the terminal with something like

    google-chrome --app="https://www.url.com"
  • 2
    @polaroidkidd Hmm, didn't know that. Thanks!
  • 3
    @ScriptCoded glad I could help.
  • 3
    There's an alternative open source client that's better than the one from Microsoft and runs on Linux: https://github.com/ivelkov/...

    Just saying.
  • 1
    @cprn Yeah I found it just an hour ago. Rebuilt it with the new icon. Works great, and sits nicely in the tray.
  • 1
    Yes. Fucking bail.
  • 1
    to be honest slack notification on my (old) iphone sucks too. I receive them with a lot of delay.
    Plus, I think that slack allows the company to read private messages.

    Didn't try Microsoft team yet, tough.

    Anyway I think they both are not safe for ranting
  • 1
    @deviloper I don't think Slack does allow companies to read your messages by default. I am currently an Android Basics remote mentor for a well-known online learning platform as an extra job (you can easily guess it. Thank God I'm not signing for their new rubbish contact and I'm leaving by the end of the cohort this month). A month ago, my supervisor sent me some link and asked me to authenticate to it using Slack. The page said I would agree this API reads my messages in their particular workspace and whatnot. They wanted to see how their mentors were engaging with students.

    My point is that if Slack directly allowed them to read messages, they would not take all that pain to make a custom app and ask us to integrate it within our accounts in their workspace. Unless they're stupid.
  • 1

    Can confirm it's a horrible transition...

    Just had to implement it and do not recommend...

    Please help the cause.... : https://microsoftteams.uservoice.com/...
  • 3
    @iskandergaba https://nbcnews.com/better/...

    Don't now if it still holds true...
  • 1
    @deviloper Giving it a second thought, perhaps the moron of my supervisor did the app because he is not the maintainer of the workspace (it is one enormous workspace. Tens of thousands). I guess you're right. FML. I don't expect M$ Teams to do any better privacy-wise for the record.
  • 1
  • 1
    This client works nice on Linux

  • 2
    @cprn oh sweet! Didn't know that existed. Thanks!
  • 2
    Quick, suggest mattermost. Its a slack clone you can run on your own servers. And sell it to management by talking about privacy and security since it runs in-house!
  • 1
    Our company only uses Teams for conf calls. Chat is still Slack.
  • 1
    @dontbeevil I know. But the decision is slightly above my pay grade
  • 2
    Yes, you should be worried. I'm using Microsoft Teams at school, and half the time it says it "ran into an error" because I'm not signed into the right Microsoft account, when I only have ONE MICROSOFT ACCOUNT! Teams is SO FRUSTRATING.
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