
Windows, if you can't even do as much as mounting network shares *after* the network comes up, don't you fucking dare to tell me that I can't disable my firewall. Some people may actually know what they're doing and maintain that elsewhere, you know?

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    @StefanH that'd be quite nice 🙂 it doesn't look like I'll be able to edit their init system to get it to do it right in the first place (asked in a few places and essentially got the answer "eh, it just does that sometimes"). So I guess I'll have to stick to post-login scripts to unfuck this broken mess somewhat and do some init there instead. Not ideal but with this OS, about as much as I have for options I suppose 😅

    Long live Microsoft and proprietary software!
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    @StefanH not running AD here either (trying to stick with Linux as much as possible, except Samba which I find quite nice) so yeah 😅
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    @dontbeevil until recently I didn't have any either, but after a recent installation of build 1903 (literally a few days ago) the usual notification disablement in Windows Security and Control Panel still doesn't get Windows to shut up about it.. really weird.
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