

Am I the only dev who doesn't drink coffee?

Not drinking coffee makes me a bad coder? 🤔

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    I also do not drink coffee. So you are not alone. 😁
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    There is a guy in the office who doesn't drink coffe and we are like what kind of sorcery he uses?.
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    I don't like coffee either so I don't drink it. I rely on sheer will power to go through coding and uni LoL
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    Yes it does. I suggest you start getting used to coffee asap, and start the road to addiction. (sarcasm)
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    Coffee is terrible, red bull and mountain dew ftw
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    Do you consume any coffein?, would be the right question.
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    I'm still on energy drinks myself lol
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    Anybody here know club mate?
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    I'm allergic.
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    I almost broke my keyboard today after red bull and some clever refactoring :d
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    @NeilCorn energy drinks, twice a month maybe
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    Im addicted to mate tea :/
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    I don't use coffee as a pick me up. I have one in the morning and can last the rest of the day without one.
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    Used to drink coffee, but I think the free shite at the office gave me an ulcer. HiCaf Tea for me!
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    Don't drink coffee, drink tea or hot chocolate to keep me going.
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    Yerba is the only way to survive. You can sip it, but its disturbing for those around you when the long and loud slluuurrrrppp is taking place.

    Recommended 10/10
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    No coffee here, but my fuel of choice is energy drink. But only guarana based energy drinks works well for me. Well there's taurine as well but I feel I'm doing myself a disservice by drinking taurine. I feel like I'm gonna drop on taurine !
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    If you're not drinking coffee, the assumption is that you're drinking tea or soda instead. If you're going clean, then you're some kind of freak. 😊
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    I don't drink coffee. Sometimes tea at the end of the day.
    One day a doctor gave me a drug that contains caffeine and I didn't sleep for more than 48 hours!!
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    @KyleSoBold in fact my fuel of choice is weed. It may sound weird but it helps me to keep into the zone when solving boring problems.
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    I drink black tea instead
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    If i dont drink at least a gallon of water a day, i have the worst migraine the next day and no amount of meds help. So, i also just stick to water.
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    No coffee for me too, a good mug of water is always the best. Probably drinking a lot of those a day
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    Don't worry, same here, no coffee
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    Nicotine... Best way to keep ur brain active... Totally addicted...
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    How about tea
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