
I am using VS Codium instead of VS Code to see what kind of things change when you scrape the Microsoft out of it. Apparently some tools for dotnet core like debugging are locked down and only allowed to run in Microsoft made IDEs.
I hate the sneaky Microsoft API lockdown nonsense and will be steering future projects away from any dotnet core development. I thought this was dead in VS Code but they managed to sneak it in.

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    Microsoft has become better.... I guess it just takes time to port all the things
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    @12bitfloat This is already ported to work with VS Code. Dotnet core is supposed to be open source. So this is something that Microsoft is disabling for anything that they didn't sign. This is a deliberate action against any tooling that tries to interface with their open source things stuff without signing as them.

    What is the point of making it open source if you won't let anyone use it? VS Codium is literally the same source code as VS Code. The debugger works in VS Code.
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    Here is the debugger (not configured properly) running in VS Code and VS Codium side by side. They are the same source code but VS Codium isn't signed my Microsoft so they are blocking it.
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    @irene There exists an alternative debugger that works perfectly fine.
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    .NET Core is open source, but the tools made by Microsoft to assist development don't have to be.
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    @kwilliams What you say makes perfect sense. The company that I work with and the customers want to stay open source for long term maintenance. Some old projects we maintain in Access or SharePoint need old VMs with old IDEs on old operating systems. Microsoft says upgrade but those systems live deep in an internal network away from the internet.

    Some architect chose Dotnet Core for most of our projects thinking that we could maintain code without an expensive IDE. In 18 years Dotnet Core hopefully avoids tool lock in tech debt like we pay for on our other projects.
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